
LANDING PAGE _ Linktree • SOCIAL MEDIA _ Top 15 • CONTENT _ Express • PORTFOLIO _ Top 14 • WEBSITE _ LWSHTML TemplatesSublime TextFileZilla • CMS [ Top 15, WordPress LWS, Elementor , ]• UX/UI DESIGN _ Figma vs. Sketch vs. XD • VIDEO EDITING _ DaVinci ResolveCapCut • 2D MOTION _ After Effects • 3D MOTION _ Blender • PHOTOGRAMMETRY _ Top 20 • ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE _ Dall.e 2Mid JourneyDream StudioFirefly • VIDEO MAPPING _ Top 8Map Map • GAMING _ ConstructGB StudioUnreal Engine • VIRTUAL REALITY _ UnitySide Quest VRItch • AGMENTED REALITY _ VuforiaArtiviveAeroMeta SparkSnap AR • REAL TIME _ ArenaTouch DesignerAudio ReactiveDepth Camera • CREATIVE & LIVE CODING _ ProcessingP5Hydra • PHYSICAL COMPUTING _ Makey MakeyTouch BoardPlaytronicaAxidraw.


3D MOTION _ BlenderCinema 4DFree 3DLincoln 3D ScansMagicavoxelMakeHumanMixamoNASAPhotogrammetryKiri Engine.


AUDIO _ Ableton LiveMixcloud MP3.

AUGMENTED REALITY _ AeroArtiviveAugmentLens StudioSpark ARVuforia.

CREATIVE CODING _ HydraOpenProcessingp5.jsp5 editorp5 web editorp5 liveProcessingS4AScratchScratch EditorThree.js.

COLLABORATION _ Discord.comGoogle HangoutsHypersayJitsiMicrosoft TeamsSlackSkypeWherebyZoom.

DRAWING MACHINES _ AxiDrawAxidraw driverInkscapeXQuartz.

EFFECTS _ Norrkross MorphX.

GAME DESIGN _ Unreal Engine [ Export ] • UnityUnity FPS.

HTML & CSS _ Sublime TextCSS-TricksCodecademyCodePenFaviconHTML5 VideoIframe WordPressIframe YoutubeMDNW3 schools.

HTML5 TEMPLATES _ Bootstrap MadeFREE CSSFree HTMLFree WebHTML5 UPMashupOSStart BootstrapTheme Wagon.

INTERACTION DESIGN _ IsadoraQuartz ComposerPD-ExtendedVVVV.

LIVE AV _ nanoKONTROL. Resolume ArenaTouchDesignerTouchDesigner Kinect.

MOTION DESIGN _ After EffectsCavalryDuikInfinite Tunnel LoopSaber

ONLINE COMUNITIES _ InstructablesStack Overflow.

ONLINE SERVICES _ Deep DreamGenerated PhotosGoogle AnalyticsHTML MinifierHTML UnminifierIssuu.

OPEN SOURCE _ AudacityGimp/a> • Scribus.

PICTOGRAMS _ The Noun ProjectFlaticon.

PORTFOLIO _ A ListPortfolioWiXWordPress.comWordPress.orgWordPress HTTPS.

PROJECTION MAPPING _ Mad MapperHeavyMMilluminSoftwaresVTP.

PHYSICAL COMPUTING _ ArduinoChibitronicsGrove Starter KitMaker CaseMakey MakeyLeap Motion [ Processing ] • Touch Board.

SOCIAL MEDIA _ Facebook for DevelopersOpen GraphDébogueur d’objets Open Graph.

STORES _ Hack SparkLetmeknowLextronic.

TYPOGRAPHY _ BirdfontFontForge@font-faceDaFontFont AwesomeFontstructFont SquirrelGoogle FontsVelvetyne.

TUTORIALS _ Blender GuruSe former à p5.jsThe Coding Train.

UI & UX DESIGN _ XDApp InventorFigmaInVisionPanda SuiteSketch.

VALIDATION & TEST _ CSS LintPageSpeed InsightsW3C.

UTILITIES _ Disk Inventory X.

VIDEO _ Da Vinci ResolveFacebook MP4HandBrakeKapPhotomoshOBSPremiereShareXVimeo MP4VLCYoutube MP4.

VIRTUAL REALITY _ VR HeadsetGoogle VR SDK for Unity.

WEB 3 _ EtherscanObjktOn CyberPolygonTemple Wallet.



3D MOTION _ 3D Geometric Shape3d Animations on PixabayPakBarecodeC4D4UAlex McLeodReal World Visuals Where is my WaterAlbert OmossExtrawegAlexandre Louvenazf°amOFFF TLV 2017POLAROIDmaniaRoom of Artificial OrganismsJack SachsUniversal EverythingZeitguised.

AUGMENTED REALITY _ Mirages & Miracles.

DIGITAL ART _ Lorna MillsYoung-Hae Chang Heavy IndustriesSuper Modern Art Museum.

GRAPHIC DESIGN _ ChevalvertdeValenceSpassky FischerSyndicatSyndicatPierre VanniAwwwardsBehancecur3esDelectableGraphic Design InspirationLes GraphiquantsYung Jake.

INTERACTION DESIGN _ Daan RoosegaardePlaytronica16 Pineapples.

LIGHT & SOUND _ Frank Bretschneider Tony OurslerGemma O'Brien1024 architectureANTIVJAdrien M & Claire BJoan GinerGuillaume MarminNonotakBertrand PlanesPablo Valbuena.

GIF & MEME _ GiphyShooting stars.

MOTION DESIGN _ black.outArt of the TitleHypnoteaseMasanobu HiraokaBarth CoelhoCatsophreniaCupidDress CodeFuture ThoughtsChloe JacksonMagicianOnce Upon a Line.

MOTION TYPE _ Enter the VoidUni AcronymThe ChildLogoramaWord as ImageProcrastination.

SOCIAL MEDIA _ Inès AftisJohanna Jaskowska.

STOP MOTION _ 1 000 000 FramesSun BurnFlowersSomedayAdamArenaFly - imai ft. 79Google Street View HyperlapseStill LifeStill NYCWAAAH.

UI / UX _ Application DesignBenoît Drouillat.

VIDEO & FX _ Don’t Let Me GoCinemagraphTecfaseDonato SansoneCNN ConcatenatedTransformers60 Seconds (Analog)Nike | You Can't Stop UsPopcornDream VoyagerEl Orfelinatopermutation.cityPoppyThe Most Satisfying Video In The WorldThe OthersReed + Rader.